We crucify ourselves everyday with thoughts of inadequacy, guilt, criticism of ourselves and others, judgements, & fears of every description past, present and future. Everyday we have multiple opportunities to choose love or fear, to resurrect ourselves or crucify ourselves.
The esoteric teaching of the cross is seeing the vertical axis as our connection to the Divine, the Unmanifest, Source, our infinite Holy selves while the horizontal axis is our movement through time within the physical confines of the body or form.
The crown of thorns is nothing more than our limited, fearful, judgemental thoughts. We each choose daily whether or not to wear the thorns or choose the freedom and truth of love and loving thoughts.
The nails are our rigid, cold, hardened positioning against ourselves and each other. They keep us bound to the limitations of thinking the world around us is what is real and that by our ego based judgements we will somehow be able to protect ourselves against death.
If we go deeper into the promise and hope demonstrated by the crucifixion and resurrection, we can realize we are in a position to choose fear or Love, judgement or Forgiveness, the crucifixion or the Resurrection. Let each of us make the grandest contribution we can make to the world and ourselves and to that Divine Light pulsing through us all. Teach only Love means represent Right Action by demonstrating kindness, compassion and non-judgement in every moment. Free will means we are at choice. What will you choose?
Be still and know that I Am God
Be still and know that I Am
Be still and know
Be still
Sending out Blessings of Light and Rememberance on this Easter day of Resurrection.
Your friend on the path
Photo by Lisa Winston
Boulder, Colorado

The esoteric teaching of the cross is seeing the vertical axis as our connection to the Divine, the Unmanifest, Source, our infinite Holy selves while the horizontal axis is our movement through time within the physical confines of the body or form.
The crown of thorns is nothing more than our limited, fearful, judgemental thoughts. We each choose daily whether or not to wear the thorns or choose the freedom and truth of love and loving thoughts.
The nails are our rigid, cold, hardened positioning against ourselves and each other. They keep us bound to the limitations of thinking the world around us is what is real and that by our ego based judgements we will somehow be able to protect ourselves against death.
If we go deeper into the promise and hope demonstrated by the crucifixion and resurrection, we can realize we are in a position to choose fear or Love, judgement or Forgiveness, the crucifixion or the Resurrection. Let each of us make the grandest contribution we can make to the world and ourselves and to that Divine Light pulsing through us all. Teach only Love means represent Right Action by demonstrating kindness, compassion and non-judgement in every moment. Free will means we are at choice. What will you choose?
Be still and know that I Am God
Be still and know that I Am
Be still and know
Be still
Sending out Blessings of Light and Rememberance on this Easter day of Resurrection.
Your friend on the path
Photo by Lisa Winston
Boulder, Colorado
What a beautiful way to present this. It is all so true!! We do not realize the power we all have inside of us too much of the time. What could our world be like if we all COULD view ourselves and each other as the divine beings we are. We are working toward that end. I have faith that this will happen as more people choose to view this life experience this way. But we have to dispel our fear first. Just one act of love or kindness has so much power, just as one hurtful act word or even thought.